JOY SPACE is an intersectional collective of holistic wellness and healing arts practitioners and community activation space based in Berlin, Germany. Our practitioners offer a variety of integrative and Eastern medicine treatments, holistic therapy techniques and community wellbeing sessions at our space in Mitte.

JOY Space was created out of a belief that our individual wellbeing is linked to the collective, and our collective wellbeing is linked to the individual.
The more we liberate ourselves as individuals, the more we liberate the collective.

JOY is a space for dreaming and co-creation of shared abundance.
We share an understanding that our present reality is built on unjust foundations and it’s our responsibility to collectively face it and manifest a better world from a place of true awareness. There's no unity without solidarity.
We stand against any forms of oppression.

If you are in a financially precarious situation for a variety of reasons and feel like any of the sessions offered by our practitioners would help you - sign up for our
Free Community Sessions pool and we'll reach out.
If your community is interested in collaborating with us
— please
get in touch!